hey humans !!!
i feel lyk dying lerh ...
i was damn sick yeaterday ,
i have a bad sore throat , fever 38.2 , flu , head ache ...
ya tats all ,
yesterday may came to my hse ,
we done hw tgt .
thn aft tat we went hougang mall to see doctor ,
damn shock sia !!
the doctor fee is $22.00 only !
with 5 medicine ,
i currenly now feel a little better
temp 37.4 only (:
but my cough is getting more and more terrible ,
i cant skip sch on monday ,
cos exam is coming ,
i cant bare to miss any more lesson (:
haix ...
i need to continue on my revision ,
post next tym (:
kkaes ??
byes (:
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Rule #1:If you open this you take it .Rule
#2 :You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone massage you and ask the reason .
#3 :Tag ten people .Answer True or False
Q:Kissed someone on your friends list?
Q:Been arrested?
Q:Do you like somebody?
Q:Held a snake?
Q:Been suspended from school?
Q:Sang karaoke?
Q:Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?
Q:Laughed until you started crying?
Q:Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
Q:Kissed in the rain?
Q:Sang in the shower
Q:Sat on a rooftop?
Q:Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
Q:Broken a bone?
Q:Shaved your hair?
Q:Play a prank on someone?
Q:Shot a gun?
Q:Donated blood?
Just be 100% truthful1.
LAST PERSON You hung out with?
2. You texted?
3. You were in a car with?
4. Went to movies with?
Ans:jeremy , aqil , byan
5.Person you went to shop with?
Ans :forgot.
6.You talked on phone?
7.Made you laugh?
Ans: long tym no laugh lerh ):
8. You hugged?
Ans: jeremy
1. Sun or Moon?
2. Winter or Fall?
3. Left or Right?
4. Sunny or rainy?
5. Where do you live?
Ans:seng kang , compassvale link
6.Club or pub?
7. Are there 1 or 2 people who you can trust and rely on?
Ans:Nobody cn b trusted.
8. Do you want to get married?
Ans:not now ,meaby older (:
9.Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
Ans:I'll Twirl it...
10.What time is it now?
Ans: 11.53am
11. Are you afraid of commitmment?
12. What is your greatest hope/wish?
Ans:stay with hym forever (:
13.Do you cook?
14.Current mood?
Ans:sick tired ): miss hym (:
In th last 48 hrs hav u...
1.Kissed someone?
Ans:yup (:
2. Sang?
3. Listened to music?
Ans:Of course larh
4. Danced Crazy?
5. Cried?
6. Liked someone you can't have?
Ans:yup (:
1. Who was your first prom date?
Ans:forgot ...
2. Who was your first roommate?
Ans: cannot sae.
3. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk thefirst time?
Ans: i dun drink (:
5. What was your first car?
Ans:I dun hav car larhs.
6. When did you go to your first funeral and viewin?
Ans: 4 year ago (:
8.Who was your first grade teacher?
Ans:forgot (:
9. Where did you go on your first ride on an air plane?
10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time,who was itwith?
Ans:i do tat everytym...myself (:
11. Who was yr first best friend?
12. Who are your best friend?
13. where was your first sleepover?
Ans:rui chen house (:
14.Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
Ans:anybody i feel lyk calling , either rui chen or jeremy (:
15. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a Bridesmaidor groomsman?Ans:my aunty weeding
16.What's the first thing you did when you got up this morning?
Ans:check my fone
17. First tattoo or piercing?
Ans: Ear piercing .. my second at the top , just..
18. First celebrity crush?
Ans:dun have
19. First Crush?
Ans:cannot sae ...
4.shawn poh
5.xin yu
6.yue ling
7.hui wen
10.anyone ...(:
#2 :You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone massage you and ask the reason .
#3 :Tag ten people .Answer True or False
Q:Kissed someone on your friends list?
Q:Been arrested?
Q:Do you like somebody?
Q:Held a snake?
Q:Been suspended from school?
Q:Sang karaoke?
Q:Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?
Q:Laughed until you started crying?
Q:Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
Q:Kissed in the rain?
Q:Sang in the shower
Q:Sat on a rooftop?
Q:Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
Q:Broken a bone?
Q:Shaved your hair?
Q:Play a prank on someone?
Q:Shot a gun?
Q:Donated blood?
Just be 100% truthful1.
LAST PERSON You hung out with?
2. You texted?
3. You were in a car with?
4. Went to movies with?
Ans:jeremy , aqil , byan
5.Person you went to shop with?
Ans :forgot.
6.You talked on phone?
7.Made you laugh?
Ans: long tym no laugh lerh ):
8. You hugged?
Ans: jeremy
1. Sun or Moon?
2. Winter or Fall?
3. Left or Right?
4. Sunny or rainy?
5. Where do you live?
Ans:seng kang , compassvale link
6.Club or pub?
7. Are there 1 or 2 people who you can trust and rely on?
Ans:Nobody cn b trusted.
8. Do you want to get married?
Ans:not now ,meaby older (:
9.Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
Ans:I'll Twirl it...
10.What time is it now?
Ans: 11.53am
11. Are you afraid of commitmment?
12. What is your greatest hope/wish?
Ans:stay with hym forever (:
13.Do you cook?
14.Current mood?
Ans:sick tired ): miss hym (:
In th last 48 hrs hav u...
1.Kissed someone?
Ans:yup (:
2. Sang?
3. Listened to music?
Ans:Of course larh
4. Danced Crazy?
5. Cried?
6. Liked someone you can't have?
Ans:yup (:
1. Who was your first prom date?
Ans:forgot ...
2. Who was your first roommate?
Ans: cannot sae.
3. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk thefirst time?
Ans: i dun drink (:
5. What was your first car?
Ans:I dun hav car larhs.
6. When did you go to your first funeral and viewin?
Ans: 4 year ago (:
8.Who was your first grade teacher?
Ans:forgot (:
9. Where did you go on your first ride on an air plane?
10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time,who was itwith?
Ans:i do tat everytym...myself (:
11. Who was yr first best friend?
12. Who are your best friend?
13. where was your first sleepover?
Ans:rui chen house (:
14.Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
Ans:anybody i feel lyk calling , either rui chen or jeremy (:
15. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a Bridesmaidor groomsman?Ans:my aunty weeding
16.What's the first thing you did when you got up this morning?
Ans:check my fone
17. First tattoo or piercing?
Ans: Ear piercing .. my second at the top , just..
18. First celebrity crush?
Ans:dun have
19. First Crush?
Ans:cannot sae ...
4.shawn poh
5.xin yu
6.yue ling
7.hui wen
10.anyone ...(:
Friday, April 24, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
morning ,
actually jeremy sae 6.45 wan cor miie ,
end up 12+ thn cor miie ,
tell miie his fone unactivated ...
haix ...
i woke up at 7 ,
thn go do the e-leraning ,
all damn difficult lorh ,
thn any how do ,
lit > 18/20
eng > 8/10
history > not sure
d&t > any how do
aft i do finish all thn i go rest ,
thn my mother come in tell miie my teacher cor miie ,
thn i ans i tot is who ,
is mr teo d&t teacher ,
sae i nv do dnt ,
thn i tell hym i dunno how to do ,
thn he teach teach teach ,
but im not listening ,
aft he sae finish just kup my fone ...
lol ...
thn aft i finish dnt , awhile ltr
i go do math ,
cos at msn chin teng tell miie must do so i do lorh .
thn xue qi cor miie i do tgt .
aft tat jeremy activae liao ,
he ask miie meet hym at compass eat lunch liao thn he go sch for training ,
thn i ask may where is she , she tell miie she at compass so i go meet her lorh ,
when i reach i ask her where is zhe she sae upstair ,
but dun wan tell miie where ,
thn she bring miie up the stairs ,
lol ,
they sitting at the stairs ,
thn xinpiing , sunny , shiting , kenny , all at there ...
thn aft we eat , i took bus home ,
thn i went home slp ,
when i wake up ,
clarence cor miie ,
he ask miie wan go eat dinner with hym marh ,
thn i sae ok lorh ,
i oso meeting jeremy aft training .
thn we go meet hym ,
aft we eat finish ,
clarence sae wan go 77th street buy ear ring ,
thn we follow lorh ...
aft tat i bussed home (:
bbuais , i wan slp now lerh ...
nite all ~ love ya (:
actually jeremy sae 6.45 wan cor miie ,
end up 12+ thn cor miie ,
tell miie his fone unactivated ...
haix ...
i woke up at 7 ,
thn go do the e-leraning ,
all damn difficult lorh ,
thn any how do ,
lit > 18/20
eng > 8/10
history > not sure
d&t > any how do
aft i do finish all thn i go rest ,
thn my mother come in tell miie my teacher cor miie ,
thn i ans i tot is who ,
is mr teo d&t teacher ,
sae i nv do dnt ,
thn i tell hym i dunno how to do ,
thn he teach teach teach ,
but im not listening ,
aft he sae finish just kup my fone ...
lol ...
thn aft i finish dnt , awhile ltr
i go do math ,
cos at msn chin teng tell miie must do so i do lorh .
thn xue qi cor miie i do tgt .
aft tat jeremy activae liao ,
he ask miie meet hym at compass eat lunch liao thn he go sch for training ,
thn i ask may where is she , she tell miie she at compass so i go meet her lorh ,
when i reach i ask her where is zhe she sae upstair ,
but dun wan tell miie where ,
thn she bring miie up the stairs ,
lol ,
they sitting at the stairs ,
thn xinpiing , sunny , shiting , kenny , all at there ...
thn aft we eat , i took bus home ,
thn i went home slp ,
when i wake up ,
clarence cor miie ,
he ask miie wan go eat dinner with hym marh ,
thn i sae ok lorh ,
i oso meeting jeremy aft training .
thn we go meet hym ,
aft we eat finish ,
clarence sae wan go 77th street buy ear ring ,
thn we follow lorh ...
aft tat i bussed home (:
bbuais , i wan slp now lerh ...
nite all ~ love ya (:
Sunday, April 19, 2009
really sorry ):
i noe uue have a hard tym and dunno who to help .
its ok if uue nv help us (:
i noe the reason oso (:
so i wun blame uue for this .
dun get troubled ok ?
pls ,
watch wad uue saying ,
watch wad uue doin ,
next tym pls sae the true thng ,
not all the false thing ,
pls ,
uue have alredy created enouf problem ,
i dun wish to have anymore
problem ...
[to all the person whom may concern ]
sorry if jeremy offended uue all ...
sorry if he diao uue all ,
he not perpusly derh ,
if any thing pls dun find hym ,
he done it is bahalf of his class ..
but he promise miie he given up on helping his class
pls pls pls
let hym off ,
if still got any thing just tell miie .
thx load (:
really sorry ):
i noe uue have a hard tym and dunno who to help .
its ok if uue nv help us (:
i noe the reason oso (:
so i wun blame uue for this .
dun get troubled ok ?
pls ,
watch wad uue saying ,
watch wad uue doin ,
next tym pls sae the true thng ,
not all the false thing ,
pls ,
uue have alredy created enouf problem ,
i dun wish to have anymore
problem ...
[to all the person whom may concern ]
sorry if jeremy offended uue all ...
sorry if he diao uue all ,
he not perpusly derh ,
if any thing pls dun find hym ,
he done it is bahalf of his class ..
but he promise miie he given up on helping his class
pls pls pls
let hym off ,
if still got any thing just tell miie .
thx load (:
Saturday, April 18, 2009
today ,
we have food and fun fair in sch ...
thn there are damn many ppl lorh ...
siao one ...
todays weather damn hot ,
feel lyk mealting in the hot sun ...
**lazy to elaborate too much**
i went hunted house first tym with cheyenne ,
we inside shouting lyk hell ...
they go spray water , thn any how touch derh ...
thn second tym i go in with charmian & esther ,
the go in ,
they was lyk saw the thing thn start shouting at my ears luh ...
thn i walk in front .
ppl go grab my leg ...
all ki siao one ...
both of them squeeze miie till wan die liao ...
lol ..
next tym thn post , byyess ....
love loads <3 ~ shixuan
we have food and fun fair in sch ...
thn there are damn many ppl lorh ...
siao one ...
todays weather damn hot ,
feel lyk mealting in the hot sun ...
**lazy to elaborate too much**
i went hunted house first tym with cheyenne ,
we inside shouting lyk hell ...
they go spray water , thn any how touch derh ...
thn second tym i go in with charmian & esther ,
the go in ,
they was lyk saw the thing thn start shouting at my ears luh ...
thn i walk in front .
ppl go grab my leg ...
all ki siao one ...
both of them squeeze miie till wan die liao ...
lol ..
next tym thn post , byyess ....
love loads <3 ~ shixuan
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
hello peeps out there !!
sorry for not blogging for so long ...
on monday , we lose the match against nan chiau ,
thn today , we lose the match against de yi ):
i dun have the mood to post so nv post lorh ...
to day will be a short post ,
bbies (:
post when i have the tym ,
anw ,
8 more days to my 2nd month (:
sorry for not blogging for so long ...
on monday , we lose the match against nan chiau ,
thn today , we lose the match against de yi ):
i dun have the mood to post so nv post lorh ...
to day will be a short post ,
bbies (:
post when i have the tym ,
anw ,
8 more days to my 2nd month (:
Sunday, April 12, 2009

yesterday i said i wan to blog after i come back rite ?
yesterday i came back already very late lerh
so nv blog , i morning thn blog .
ok , 3.30 , i go meet jeremy at hougang mall ,
thn we train down to vivo .
we reach there , we go buy ticket down to sentosa
when we reach sentosa ,
the rain was damn big ,
so we wan take tram , aft awhile ,
may & vanessa come ,
they all so wet , siao derh !!
hahas ,
thn i use umbrella walk .
thn rain smaller lerh
they go change thn go agn .
we go take tram ,
go one round thn come back agn ,
we walk to the skyride there
thn go sit go & return derh ,
nv plae luge
finish lerh thn we send jeremy back to hougang ,
thn we at there cab down to mandai ,
go bbq at malcolm grandmother hse .
we reach there got so many ppl ,
all so pai seh ...
thn plae herre plae there
**dun wan to eleborate too much**
thn malcolm father dive us home .
thn malcolm father dive us home .
7 seater , cool man ...
thn reach home ,
i go wash my face cos they go smash cake on my face .
thn go slp lerh .
my mother sae so late cannot bath
kkeas , today post till here ,
buais (:
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Meaning ofColour & Your BirthdayDon't cheat, If you are honest, this tells the truth.It's pretty good.Write your answers on a piece of paper, and NO cheating!The answers are at the bottom.
1. Which is your favorite color out of: red , black , blue , green , or yellow ?
ANS: blue
2. Your first initial?
- S
3. Your month of birth?
- january
4. Which color do you like more, black or white?
- Black
5. Name of a person of the same sex as yours.
- ruichen
6. Your favorite number?
- 2
7. Do you like Flying or Driving more?
- driving
8. Do you like a lake or the ocean more?
- ocean
9. Write down a wish (a realistic one).
- dun wan to reveiew (:
When you ' re done, scroll down.(Don'tcheat!)
Red - You are alert and your life is full of love.
Black - You are conservative and aggressive.
Green - Your soul is relaxed and you are laid back.
Blue - You are spontaneous and love kisses and affection from the ones you love.
Yellow - You are a very happy person and give good advice to those who are down.
A-K You have a lot of love and friendships in your life.
L-R You try to enjoy your life to the maximum & your love life is soon to blossom.
S-Z You like to help others and your future love life looks very good.
Jan-Mar: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected.
April-June: You will have a strong love relationship that will not last long but the memories will last forever.
July-Sep: You will have a great year and will experience a major life-changing experience for the good.
Oct-Dec: Your love life will not be great, but eventually you will find your soul mate.
Black: Your life will take on a different direction, it will seem hard at the time but will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change.
White: You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it.
Q5.This person is your best friend.
Q6.This is how many close friends you have in your lifetime.
Q7.Flying: You like adventure.
Driving: You are a laid back person.
Q8.Lake : You are loyal to your friends and your lover and are very reserved.
Ocean: You are spontaneous and like to please people.
Q9.This wish will come true only if you send this to five people in one hour.
TAGGED 20 People to do the quiz.
1. rui chen
2. may
3. wen xuan
4. yue ling
5. kai ting
6. shawn poh
8.hui min
9. hui wen
10. jing ting
17.wan ting
19.yAn ping
1. Which is your favorite color out of: red , black , blue , green , or yellow ?
ANS: blue
2. Your first initial?
- S
3. Your month of birth?
- january
4. Which color do you like more, black or white?
- Black
5. Name of a person of the same sex as yours.
- ruichen
6. Your favorite number?
- 2
7. Do you like Flying or Driving more?
- driving
8. Do you like a lake or the ocean more?
- ocean
9. Write down a wish (a realistic one).
- dun wan to reveiew (:
When you ' re done, scroll down.(Don'tcheat!)
Red - You are alert and your life is full of love.
Black - You are conservative and aggressive.
Green - Your soul is relaxed and you are laid back.
Blue - You are spontaneous and love kisses and affection from the ones you love.
Yellow - You are a very happy person and give good advice to those who are down.
A-K You have a lot of love and friendships in your life.
L-R You try to enjoy your life to the maximum & your love life is soon to blossom.
S-Z You like to help others and your future love life looks very good.
Jan-Mar: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected.
April-June: You will have a strong love relationship that will not last long but the memories will last forever.
July-Sep: You will have a great year and will experience a major life-changing experience for the good.
Oct-Dec: Your love life will not be great, but eventually you will find your soul mate.
Black: Your life will take on a different direction, it will seem hard at the time but will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change.
White: You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it.
Q5.This person is your best friend.
Q6.This is how many close friends you have in your lifetime.
Q7.Flying: You like adventure.
Driving: You are a laid back person.
Q8.Lake : You are loyal to your friends and your lover and are very reserved.
Ocean: You are spontaneous and like to please people.
Q9.This wish will come true only if you send this to five people in one hour.
TAGGED 20 People to do the quiz.
1. rui chen
2. may
3. wen xuan
4. yue ling
5. kai ting
6. shawn poh
8.hui min
9. hui wen
10. jing ting
17.wan ting
19.yAn ping
i morning wake up thn meet jasmine at compass ,
thn we decide to go to gym at achorvale swimming complex
we go the gym there .
we go ther a while jiu go lerh ...
sian );
aft that we go run thn i accidentally press stop thn must restart agn ....
sian ):
thn we go try other thing ,
awhile ltr bout 11 + i go home with jasmine ,
thn anna and rachel still there .
thn i go buy mac thn go back ...
sian ...
ltr i goin for may birthday celebration .
i have no idea wad to buy for her):
haiyo !!!!
sian sian sian ...
i will keep update when i come back (:
buais (:
Friday, April 10, 2009
Qn1. Have you ever felt horny before?
ans: yes/no ?? idk (: hmm...wad happen to gurls when they are horny ?? boys steam =D
Qn2. When is the last time you felt horny?
ANS: i dun even noe how does a gurl horny feel (:
Qn3. When was the first time you felt horny?
ANS: na bey !!! i sae i dunno how it feels rite ??!!
Qn4. What is your definition of porn?
ANS : O.0 , hmm... HORNY basted !!! (: (: (:
Qn5. How about hentai?
ANS: wad lan jiao thing is that ??
Qn6. Have you ever had sex?
ANS : of cos !!! hahas jkjk , i'm not horny + underage (:
Qn7. Why did/didn't you have sex?
ANS: dun wan waste my eggs + wan save oppenent sperm ! UNDERSTAND ??!!
Qn8. What is ff?
ANS : feel free lorh ! haha .. lol . i dunno i anyhow tok cock derh ... (:
Qn9. Have you ever watched porn before?
ANS : Y MUST I TEL UUE ??? HORNY BASTEDS !! wan noe come ask miie yrself !
Qn10. How often do you watch porn?
ANS : hmm... every week , every day , every hour , every mins , every seconds (:
Qn11. How about hentai?
ANS : stop asking bo liao question... how i noe ??
Qn12. Do you own a sex toy?
ANS: of cos (: haha ... no luh ... but my fren sae tat , tat thingi is a sex toy (:
Qn13. Do you want to enter a sex shop?
ANS : LOL ... wan oso cannot underage (: go in the horny basted inside will chase miie out !!
Qn14. Have you ever seen a condom before?
ANS : of cos ... ppl use liao any how throw , thn miie & rui chen saw i go take & see :P
Qn15. Has anyone ever called you horny?
ANS : of cos ... bt i'm not horny at all !!!
pass this quiz to 10 ppl ! :::
1.horny basted :x
2.horny basted :)
3.horny basted :D
4.horny basted :P
5.horny basted =D
6.horny basted =x
7.horny basted =D
8.horny basted =p
9.horny basted =*
10.horny basted :(
ans: yes/no ?? idk (: hmm...wad happen to gurls when they are horny ?? boys steam =D
Qn2. When is the last time you felt horny?
ANS: i dun even noe how does a gurl horny feel (:
Qn3. When was the first time you felt horny?
ANS: na bey !!! i sae i dunno how it feels rite ??!!
Qn4. What is your definition of porn?
ANS : O.0 , hmm... HORNY basted !!! (: (: (:
Qn5. How about hentai?
ANS: wad lan jiao thing is that ??
Qn6. Have you ever had sex?
ANS : of cos !!! hahas jkjk , i'm not horny + underage (:
Qn7. Why did/didn't you have sex?
ANS: dun wan waste my eggs + wan save oppenent sperm ! UNDERSTAND ??!!
Qn8. What is ff?
ANS : feel free lorh ! haha .. lol . i dunno i anyhow tok cock derh ... (:
Qn9. Have you ever watched porn before?
ANS : Y MUST I TEL UUE ??? HORNY BASTEDS !! wan noe come ask miie yrself !
Qn10. How often do you watch porn?
ANS : hmm... every week , every day , every hour , every mins , every seconds (:
Qn11. How about hentai?
ANS : stop asking bo liao question... how i noe ??
Qn12. Do you own a sex toy?
ANS: of cos (: haha ... no luh ... but my fren sae tat , tat thingi is a sex toy (:
Qn13. Do you want to enter a sex shop?
ANS : LOL ... wan oso cannot underage (: go in the horny basted inside will chase miie out !!
Qn14. Have you ever seen a condom before?
ANS : of cos ... ppl use liao any how throw , thn miie & rui chen saw i go take & see :P
Qn15. Has anyone ever called you horny?
ANS : of cos ... bt i'm not horny at all !!!
pass this quiz to 10 ppl ! :::
1.horny basted :x
2.horny basted :)
3.horny basted :D
4.horny basted :P
5.horny basted =D
6.horny basted =x
7.horny basted =D
8.horny basted =p
9.horny basted =*
10.horny basted :(
WE WIN THE MATCH AGN !!!!!!!!!!!!
wow !!
cant believe it !!
we win the match agn ...
we can go second round...
the next three match wii be on monday , wednesday , friday (:
cool man ...
must jia0us (:
win two match and can go third round (:
and soon final (:
wow !!
cant believe it !!
we win the match agn ...
we can go second round...
the next three match wii be on monday , wednesday , friday (:
cool man ...
must jia0us (:
win two match and can go third round (:
and soon final (:
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
wow !!! WE WIN THE MATCH !!! (:
today match we played against fu chun ...
thn we scored 28 - 4
wow !!!
i cant believe it sia ...
we gotta win thursday match to go second match (:
anyway ..
just nw plaeying match teacher ask miie go snatch a gurl ball
thn i run toward the gurl to snatch the ball
thn the gurl accidentaly trip over my leg and fell
omg !!
thn she hurt her hand ... ):
so sowie (:
aft i take the ball , actually wan pass to other ppl
but teacher ask miie to throw ,
thn i see so far ,
sure not in the
i go use all my strength throw the ball
the ball hit the boared thn go in the hole (:
woo hoo !!!
hahas ...
JiAY0Us !!!
today match we played against fu chun ...
thn we scored 28 - 4
wow !!!
i cant believe it sia ...
we gotta win thursday match to go second match (:
anyway ..
just nw plaeying match teacher ask miie go snatch a gurl ball
thn i run toward the gurl to snatch the ball
thn the gurl accidentaly trip over my leg and fell
omg !!
thn she hurt her hand ... ):
so sowie (:
aft i take the ball , actually wan pass to other ppl
but teacher ask miie to throw ,
thn i see so far ,
sure not in the
i go use all my strength throw the ball
the ball hit the boared thn go in the hole (:
woo hoo !!!
hahas ...
JiAY0Us !!!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
sorry for not blogging for so long (:
29 march 09
happy birthday to jeremy (:
hope uue love the present i gave uue (:
moning ,
i woke up
i went to compass to buy present for hym ..
aft tat i goin home i saw aqil & marcus ..
thn i tell aqil to wait awhile i go home and change .
thn i go home change all tat ,
i went compass
jeremy tell miie he at mac thn i go there find hym .
aft tat ,
i saw clarence , zhe wei , shawn poh & his fren
thn i oso know tat shawn poh fren coming
aft tat they went arcade thn we oso follow
atf tat when we leaving jing ting came
thn tok awhile we jiu go vivo lerh ...
thn we reach there
we go buy ticket
we watch mall cop(:
damn funny show ,
before the show start
we went upstair there ,,,
awhile ltr we go in ...
thn aft the show we go any how walk (:
thn go home ler (:
we reach there we go buy movie ticket
30 march 09
happy birthday to benedict sim (:
1 april 09
today is april fool day (:
ppl keep fooling miie
haha ,
but i lazy go fool them back (:
today was a specil day (:
we have bball match against north vista sec ):
thn we leave class at 9.30
pls larh they damn pro ...
thn i nv plae ,
not only miie qiute a number of ppl oso nv plae ,
only rachel , sheril , jasmine , anna , ying xuan , mei hui .
ony they plae ...
but the first quater we leading ,
aft tat we lose ..
sian ...
we keep cheering at the side only ):
2 april 09
today ,
aft all those cheering yesterday ,
my throat nw damn pain ):
thn i having flu today ):
plus headach
today i cant woke up so i woke up late
and did not go moning traing
thn when i reach sch ,
my fren kip scolding miie ):
for not running in the morning
walao !!!
i sick rite ??!!
cant even let miie rest ,
wad is this luh ...
na bea !!
thn afternoon ,
i was too sick to go training
so i ask my mother go tell miss tan i cant go ...
aft tat went home ,
bath thn fell asleep ,
aft tat my mother came home and bring miie go c doctor ,
so i will be on mc tml ):
i cant c hym
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