Saturday, March 16, 2013

Hii !!!! Im back like a finally ... 
I cant let this blog die .. hahaha , blogging used to be my passion and im loving it .. all those bits and pieces of memories i had is being written down .. 

Well , today my motive here is to dedicate post for tht guy above (: 

He may left bad impression of him for the past 3 years but i can really see the big change in him .. perhaps i should say thank god , thanks for allowing him to come into my life .. i really dunno how would i be like without him .. okkkk ... i also dunno how to start ....

Errrrr , 3 years ago while i was in sec2 and he's in sec1 .. i got to know him from ..... idk .. hahaha , he's always socialable since last time .. and ppl say him as 'playboy' ... and actually thts what i thought so in the past to .. he ask me to gave him a chance and let me be with him . but i was attach during tht time .. since thn i dunno what got into him , he tried and tried and tried .. sec1 , sec2 , sec3 every year .. he didnt gave up .. he may have alot ex-es in between but he felt nothing like now .. like finally , when we started contacting each other last year .. he seems change he seems like a whole new ppl aft not talking for like 6-7 months .. hahaha . & so , i gave him a chance .. i even told him there 'probation' hahah . i say all i want about this year is studies .. but he really made me touched by something he did (': something bout us just felt so special .. hais .. i also dk what ..

Im kindda suprise everytime i rage him , he would just smile and ask if im okay . he nvr rage back . never scold back or shout at me before .. i know im mean at times but the attitude of mine can never ever be changed . thannks for acccepting me for who im .. ill appreciate you , someone like you is really hard to find <3 ..="" .="" alwauys="" and="" at="" b="" busy="" but="" everything="" for="" go="" hahah="" if="" ill="" im="" is="" my="" nbsp="" neglect="" nicely="" objective="" plan="" poly="" sorry="" studying="" thanks="" time="" times="" to="" you="">

i know you are very disappointed today , but i know you tired your best . you put too much stress on yourself already ): hahahais . hahahah thanks for your trophy , i know i wasnt your greatest motivation but im still part of it .. cheyyyyy (: Nice one boyyyy you done your best (:

Signing off ~