All those studio taken picture are awsome manzxc ! :D
It will be done byy next month (Y)
Okayy , now now , i shall start my storyy from Thursdayy till Mondayy ! haha , i seraioulyy miss Singapore life and people , when i came back , there are good new , bad news , shocking news , so not shocking new , okayy luhh , shall start crapping , and start posting :D
Thurdayy ; 9th December 2010
Okayy , leave Singapore around 8 plus , but cross custom at 9 plus 10 , cos its jamming like hell ! thnn still got time text text , hah ! text my deardear around 8 plus , waiting till 10 plus , nothing ! haha -.- nevermind ... thnn pass custom liao , left my phone in peace .. went straight to ahma house , reached around 2am or 3am .. aiyoyo , my ahhmaa heven sleep waiting for us to reach :D thnn thnn , once again , searching for my boyf *laugh* damn cute luhh (: but another disappointment , thnn thnn , went to our room , unpack things , thnn went to take a nap , woke upp around 7am , went to market and have breakfast with ahma , thnn walk around .. Ewww ! its super disgusting , infested with rats and cockroaches , i eat with my legs onn thh chair *laugh* thnthn .. shoppoing never open so earlyy , so we went to drop ahma off first , and we headed to Malaca to SHOPIING ! 1 hour car ride , reached there around 10 plus 11 (: thnn just nice , thh shopping open liao , went walk walk , but nothing caought my eyes ); wanted to buy some things back for youhh ppl , but nahh ... not enough money .. hmmm .. thhnn shop till aoournd 3 plus 4 ? headed back home , slept inn thh car , reach liao , thnn , saw all my auntyy came back liao , so i played majong with them .. common , theyy are so damn pro , i lose 20 over plus dollars .. but at least i gain some experience ! :D thnn played till 9 plus , damn tired so others took over , and we went tohave our supper , home around 11 plus , damn full ! but still went to sleep ~ Swwetdreams ! <:
Fridayy ; 10th December 2010
Okayy ! woke upp around 8 ? thnn went wet market ate breakfast , woohoo ~ Delicious ! :D thnn thnn , we went home , hais .. damn sian luhh ! whole dayy nothing to do , so so , went to cycle motorbike ! Woohoo ~ headed to a place where there are no cars ! if not later i no license , later car bang ! :D thnn thnn , thh motor damn damn heavyy luhh :x haha , too long never use liao , i turn thh handle and ZOOM ~ i almost flyy out , but luckyy i didnt .. hmmm .. up and down , until i dunn wann leave thh bike ! :D haha , but tired liao , so Home-ed ! :d went to bathe and sleep ~ woke upp at 7 to have dinner , Gorsh ! See my ahma cook i dunn dare eat ! :D haha, butt still ate , thnn went to playy psp and fall asleep suddenlyy ! haha ! woke upp at 11 to have supper ! PRATA ~ (Y) thnn headed home around 12 plus , haha , and went to sleep ! Sweetdraems ~ ! <:
Saturdayy ; 11th December 2010
Morning guyys ! :D okayy , todayy , woke upp , same time , same routine , but after dinner , went home and help out with stuff for next dayy wedding , common , i tell youhh , Malayy wedding are awsome ! but thh wedding consist of 3 different races ? indian , chinese and malayy , guy is indian , girl is malayy , but mother is chinese , father is indian ! theyy are going for muslim wedding ! Wow ! interesting much , and theyy invited over 500 people , okayy , so thh tentage is build along th road , so road block ! cars cant cross , wow , those ppl come fixed thh stage for thh couple , is supper awsome and elegent , its inside thh house thhn along thh road were chairs and table to eat , hmmm .. thnn arrange liao , it was 6 plus . wow ! its tiring manzxc ! but it turn out to be neat and nice ! like reastaurant lidat :d thnn thnn , went to wash upp and had dinner ... Ewww ! all meat ! damn ! ate rice with soup and off to watch tv and playy psp before i go to sleep ! <: hmmm .. didnt had supper , cos was dead tired , so i went to sleep straight , flip here and there in bed cant sleep , i look thru my text message .. i feel so regretted ! D: but i still fall asleep , Sweetdreams ~ <:
Sundayy ; 12th December 2010
Woohoo ~ its wedding dayy , was so dead tired , thh music was like blasting outside since 8 , but i slept like a pig all thh wayy till 11 ? wth ? i jumped upp when my mum told me thh time , went wash upp and dress upp , and went outside ! Woosh ! so damn manyy people ! Hee ~ thnn thnn , went out to help out .. walao ~ whyy nid serve them sia .. haha , i rann away ! went to eat ! Malay food are super duper nice okayy ! damn ! ate alot , after that , help out with collecting money and gave them suvienior ! :D hot hot , was waering "kebaya" ? spell correct not ? thnn went change to tank top -.- haha ! hot hot , thnn i went out , thh "kompang" came ? walao .. so noisyy , so loud , wann spoil my ear uhh ? cheh ! *laugh* thnn thh whole weeding ends at 3 , thn , we went to pack our bag , gott readyy to leave , around 0415 went train station , thnn , train delayy , delayy till 5 , took train , headed dwn to johor ! wth ?! damn happy when i saw SINTEL on myy phone ?! Woohoo ~ meassage message message ! :D but not all i wanted , i saww somthing damn shocking , nevermind , went along roadside ate , what thh hell , im so afriad it is contaminated ! :D haha ! but not , thnn we took taxi to crystal crown hotel , common , a 3 star hotel , inside shucks alot luhh , contaminated with ghost ! -.- damn ! thnn thnn , youhh , shouldnt have done that , thh moment youhh told me thh truth , im trying to aviod youh right now , hais .. i tot we cann onlyy be just FRIENDS ! cos in attach , but i think youhh think too much yaw ? im sorry :'D thnn slept around 12 plus , Sweetdream ~ ! <:
Mondayy ; 13th December 2010
Okayy okayy , morning woke upp around 8 ? saw a message , hais , im sorry i didnt replyy , pls pls , i beg youhh , dunn be lidat ! arghhh ~ okayy , forget it , thnn went to thh hotel retaurant to have our buffet breakfast , hmmm ... not really nice lehh ? ate a little onlly , well , went back room pack our things , and check out , thnn took taxi to our studio ? Well well , some ppl kept ask me whats studio ? studio is a place where we dress upp and professional help us take picture , and make a albulm to keep as a memoryy ! :D awsomee ~ so firstlyy , went there , theyy chose clothes for me and help me make up before my mum thnn my dad , thn , we change and headed to thh place where we take our picture , wow ! thh place is big ! :D and many many background ... blahh blah blahh ... hmm ... i will be getting thh pic next month ! :d and i have my personal albulm ! (Y) finish aroud 6 plus went back studio , put bag and go eat first , :D thnn take our bag and Taxi-ed to custom and off to SINGAPORE (Y) So excited to recieved message ! :D hehe .. kaeyy luhh , reach Singapore around 8 plus , taxi-ed home again ! :D feel so good when reached home (: didnt unpack things , first thing is to use computer ! (Y) I miss my computer alot alot ! :D i wanna go bathe now thhnnn go sleep liao .. so yeah ? nights nights people ! :D Sweetdreams ~ ! <:

See thh preety gurl upp there onn thh right ? :D woohoo ~ she is seriouslyy awsome i tell youhh , updated my blog for me everydayy without fail luhh ! :D haha .. thanks thanks ! :D sorry i didnt buyy anything for youhh due to nothing had caught my eyes ! D: sorry .. thnn thnn , haha .. aiyoyo , dunno what to sayy , i miss youhh too luhh , meet upp real soon yeah ? :D Thanks once again ! (: Loveya ~
[insertname] ; friends is onlyy what we should be , im attatch , common , stop pestering me ! D:
♥ ; Argggh ! youhh know im missing so much everydayy whenn im in malayysia ? ): Common , youhh promise to go thru thick and thin with me , so pls dunn let go and give upp okayy ? :D ILoveyouhh ~ 6 more dayy my dear ! (: 3rd month ! ♥
Posted By ShiXuannn YourOne&Onlyy'
Buhbye Readers ! (: